Saturday, March 06, 2021

Spring 2021

Well. It’s almost spring! And it’s been a long, cold, spring not to mention a very isolated 2020-21. So far. Yet our friends and neighbors are gradually being vaccinated, hopefully in a few weeks there will be enough of us to get together and socialize! Wow. What a concept! Who would have thought that our country, and world, would be going through such dire times. And yet. We have, and have managed to end up on the other side...of what? Time will tell.

Meanwhile another papier-mâché landscape has been finished...Tangle with Gila Monster. I have plans for one more, a fifth one, and then I can do a bit of painting.

We have been squirreling away furniture and lamps and table settings for the new outdoor area. Today it looks like we can build the chest and coffee table. It’s finally warm enough! Then? We can sit out there and enjoy life with our puppy, Olle. Watch the sunset. Sip a cocktail. Oooooo I can’t wait! 

And here is Olle. The kindest dog in the entire universe. We are so lucky to have him!

The past couple of weeks, and this is not the first time, I’ve been wondering why I do what I do...paint, sculpt, draw...and there is no answer. More and more thoughts creep in and demand why? What is it accomplishing? Is there even an audience? It all seems so more piece, finished, and taken out and stored in the garage...what is the point? I wish there was an answer. In the meantime I will continue to create and daydream and look for a place to exhibit.

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