Friday, January 22, 2021

Open Window

A clean, fresh, breeze is blowing through my head again, since Wednesday, now that our country has been returned. Might we all work together and solve our enormous problems? Wouldn’t that be nice. With those dire problems being Covid, Climate Change, Immigration, that stupid wall, fair taxation, education, infrastructure. I’m sure there are some things left out, but these are just off the top of my head.

Meanwhile, in celebration, I continue on with my papier-mache landscapes. A third one is half way finished and an acrylic box is coming soon to put over the last one. For protection from dust and puppy dogs. 

These are the pieces that will soon all be attached to that little round ‘thing’ in the foreground. Still have to finish painting, then drawing and carving on each piece. 

Oil paint is starting to creep into my brain and I have an idea I’ll be working on in the next few weeks. Hopefully it’ll be a good one! We’ll see! I did just buy an enormous amount of oil paint and realized I might should use it. Of course. I will continue on with these landscapes, they are so enjoyable.

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